Fallout shelter healing mr handy android
Fallout shelter healing mr handy android

fallout shelter healing mr handy android

The most common causes of death are explorers running out of Stimpacks in the Wasteland and runaway fires in the late game.

fallout shelter healing mr handy android

You've probably spent only a few minutes actually doing anything with them, even if they've spent a lot of real-world time in training rooms or exploring the Wasteland. Don’t get frustrated if a dweller with hundreds of hours of experience dies. Handys in this guide, I mean items you’ve picked up by fulfilling goals and finding items on quests.īe aware that your Dwellers are going to die, often in unreasonable ways. This is a guide reaching 100+ dwellers in Survival Mode without spending any money on Lunchboxes or other premium items.

Fallout shelter healing mr handy android